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London Yoga Workshops

Trauma Informed Yoga

with Kat Owens


Sun 7 Dec 2019 | West London Buddhist Centre

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Saturday 7 December 2019

1:00pm – 5:30pm


How much?

£50[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_empty_space image_repeat=”no-repeat”][vc_column_text]

A workshop defining, reflecting and connecting the dots of trauma, mindfulness, yoga, and social justice. Becoming trauma informed within a yoga setting means recognising that our past doesn’t dissolve away when we step onto our yoga mat. As yoga teachers, it’s important to acknowledge the likelihood that every class we teach will have participants who have suffered trauma (whether acute, chronic, or complex).

Teaching yoga through a trauma informed lens means respecting and recognising the innate ability of every individual to self soothe, self-regulate, & be present in their body in a way that feels safe. We all have a right to be well and feel empowered in our own skin. There are clear & useful tools that every teacher can use to make their offering of yoga more trauma informed.

This workshop will:
• Define what trauma is, how it happens, and what can occur psychologically and physiologically.
• Explore the difference between stress and chronic stress and the role of the autonomic nervous system in self-regulation.
• Share the latest research in neuroscience in regards to trauma and mindfulness.
• Discuss tools to facilitate a practice that is adaptive, not prescriptive.
• Share the value of creating a culture of consent and choice.
• Hold space to speak on topics such as spiritual activism, cultural appropriation, and spiritual bypassing within a modern yoga context
• Provide clear take-aways and resources for supporting our own practice, our students, and our yoga communities.

This workshop is not a substitute for therapy or treatment and the goal is not to become a trauma expert. It is intended to be a space of defining, reflecting and connecting the dots of trauma, mindfulness, yoga, and social justice. Ideal for yoga instructors as well as folks curious about how to support their yoga practice and/or community. The workshop will culminate with an asana (posture) class and guided meditation, but participation is not mandatory.


Kat teaches Trauma Informed Yoga on the Elton Yoga London Teacher Training Course.Kat first discovered meditation and yoga asana (postures) during college in California but deepened her practice while working as a counsellor for underserved youth/young adults in New York City. Daily yoga became a ritual of self-care and a safe space to surrender the stress of the day while cultivating strength and self-love. After five years of working in education in the Bronx and Brookyn, she and her partner moved to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.Kat received her 200-hour yoga certification with Heather Elton in Nepal. She is also a certified Yoga for All teacher, specialising in yoga for bigger bodies and diverse communities.

Kat holds additional training and certifications in Accessible Yoga, Trauma Informed Yoga Therapy, and Teen Yoga.As a teacher, she strives to meet each student where they are at, recognising that we each have a unique biology and biography. Kat believes that yoga is a practice for every body and it should be accessible regardless of ability or background. Everyone deserves to bolster their inner journey toward healing but it takes time, self-awareness, and bravery to do so. With patience and compassion, Kat is committed to holding an inclusive space for her students in order to foster a yoga practice of empowerment and acceptance.

For more information about Kat, visit our Yoga Teacher Training Faculty page.

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West London Buddhist Centre
Royal Oak House
45a Porchester Road
London W2 5DP

Directions & Transport Links[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space image_repeat=”no-repeat”][no_button size=”small” target=”_self” font_weight=”” text=”Back to London Yoga Workshops” link=”https://eyoga.tempurl.host/london-yoga-workshops/”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” oblique_section=”no” text_align=”left” css_animation=””][vc_column][vc_empty_space image_repeat=”no-repeat”][vc_empty_space image_repeat=”no-repeat”][/vc_column][/vc_row]