...In the morning of time, in the golden age of Satya Yuga, when the mountains and plains and forests of the world were newborn, there was a lake – the most beautiful lake the world would ever know. It sparkled like liquid gold. Into it poured the clearest streams from the glaciers of the Himalayas.
...Drukpa Kunley is also known as the 'fertility saint', and Chimi Lhakhang is visited not only by the Bhutanese but by couples from all over the world hoping to conceive.
....Any Yoga Teacher Training, if they’re doing the job properly, are life changing. People who come are usually ready to experience transformation in their lives. For sure, after a month of living in a monastery in Nepal your view/perception of the world shifts.
....The pilgrimage circuits of Varanasi are a physical expression of a celestial cosmic plan. As a modern yogini running out of time, I jump on the back of Umesh’s scooter and circumambulate the Pancakroshi Yatra in an afternoon.