....It wasn’t until about 600 BCE, just before the time of the Buddha, that Upaniṣadic ideas were condensed into the Sāṃkhya system. And it’s upon the Sāṃkhya system that the different systems of yoga, those that recognised Vedic authority (Vedanta), and others that do not - Buddhism, Jainism and Charvaka-materialism, - base their arguments.
....What is Yoga? The history of yoga spans a vast terrain from pre-Vedic Indus Saraswati civilisation to Modern Postural Yoga. This article is a summary of the main movements in the history of yoga philosophy and practice.
...In the morning of time, in the golden age of Satya Yuga, when the mountains and plains and forests of the world were newborn, there was a lake – the most beautiful lake the world would ever know. It sparkled like liquid gold. Into it poured the clearest streams from the glaciers of the Himalayas.
....Any Yoga Teacher Training, if they’re doing the job properly, are life changing. People who come are usually ready to experience transformation in their lives. For sure, after a month of living in a monastery in Nepal your view/perception of the world shifts.